Mission Trips

Mission Trips

CCHS students have the opportunity to choose to participate on mission trips each school year. The 2023 mission trip opportunities are listed below. Select the links for more information on the mission trip opportunities.

London Mission Trip

The London Mission Trip is scheduled for March 8 - 16, 2024. The trip is open to 12 CCHS Students. 

Select the link below for more information about the London Mission Trip.

Guatemala Mission Trip

The Guatemala Mission Trip is scheduled for March 10 - 16, 2024. The trip is open to 16 CCHS Students. 

Select the link below for more information about the Guatemala Mission Trip.

New York Mission Trip

The New York Mission Trip is scheduled for March 12 - 17, 2024. The trip is open to 22 students. 

Select the link below for more information on the New York Mission Trip

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