Application Process

Application Process

The following steps will help in guiding you through the application process. (Steps 1-3 can be done in any order.)

1. Schedule a Shadow Day Visit for your Child.  

Prospective students are strongly encouraged to "shadow" a current student during the school day. "Shadows" will attend classes, meet teachers, coaches, fine arts teachers, as well as meet with someone from the admissions department during their shadow visit.  You can begin to schedule a shadow day in September of the 8th grade year. 


 2The following items are required to complete the application file: 

  • Non-refundable Application Fee (Paid online as the last step when submitting the application.)                                                                                                              
  • These items are requested digitally from the current school through the application:
    • A copy of the most recent end-of-year report card and current report card
    • A copy of the most recent standardized test results (such as SAT, OLSAT, FCAT, CTBS, ITBS, etc.)
    • Two completed Teacher Recommendation Forms
    • Individual Education Plan, 504 Plan, Psychological Evaluation detailing academic accommodations, if any 
    • *As an option, records can be submitted to [email protected].


3. Attend a Prospective Parent Info Meeting 

All prospective families with a current 8th grader or transfer student applying to Calvary for admission are required to have one parent attend a Prospective Parent Info Meeting with our Head of School, Mr. David Kilgore.  Attendance by at least one parent is required before an admission decision will be considered.  Student attendance to the Prospective Parent Info Meeting is optional.  *If you have a currently enrolled student at Calvary, you are exempt from this step. 

Prospective Parent Info Meetings are held on the following dates from 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM. Reservations are not required. You are required to attend only one info meeting.

 4. Decision and Enrollment

Enrollment at Calvary Christian High School is a privilege and not a right.  Students applying for admission will be evaluated on the basis of their academic, spiritual, and behavioral reports.  Information and reports on the following will guide the Admissions Committee on making a decision for acceptance or non-acceptance. 
  • Academic Achievement                  
  • Embracing the Christian Philosophy of Education
  • Student Conduct Reports, including number of Detentions/Suspensions
  • Current on Financial Obligations to the School Currently Attending
  • School Attendance (Including Tardies)
  • Support and Cooperation of Parents 
  • Student Interview on Shadow Day

After an applicant's file is complete, the Admissions Committee reviews the file and the above information to make an admissions decision. Admissions decisions are communicated through email at the end of January.

All decisions are made without further comment. If the student is accepted, the family must complete the Online Enrollment and pay the first non-refundable deposit to secure the student's enrollment. 

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