We believe the investment in an education at Calvary Christian High School will yield a lifetime of returns. It is our vision to be a cutting edge learning center that strengthens the home, the church, and the community by providing the highest quality Christian education to all students. We are committed to surrounding our students with the teachers and tools to enable success and encourage a life of significance in Christ. Every effort is made to keep the tuition cost affordable while working to accomplish our vision.
Scholarships for Private Schools
K-12 students, regardless of household income, who are residents of Florida and eligible to enroll in a K-12 public school can receive a scholarship to attend a private school that best meets their academic needs. The scholarship can be used for tuition along with other related expenses such as registration, books, testing and other fees. For information or to apply for the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship or the Family Empowerment Scholarship, please visit the Step Up For Students website, https://www.stepupforstudents.org/scholarships/private-and-transportation/
Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities (FES-UA)
Calvary Christian High School provides a college preparatory classroom experience. A student receiving FES-UA funding may be considered for admission to Calvary. CCHS is limited in the accommodations we are able to provide; however, we are willing to review student records and inform parents of the accommodations available at Calvary. All students are expected to adhere to the same level of academic achievement for graduation and behavior expectations as set forth in our Parent-Student Handbook.
A parentally placed private school student with a disability does not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The IDEA does not apply to private schools.
Tuition Assistance
We realize a Christian education is a significant financial investment; therefore, we have established financial assistance for mission-compatible students whose families desire to partner with Calvary Christian High School for their child's high school education and have financial need above the state scholarship funding. Families needing additional tuition assistance may apply through FACTS Tuition Management Company (FACTS) to determine tuition assistance eligibility. CCHS will notify the family of the tuition assistance award, if applicable.
You may submit a FACTS application for tuition assistance by selecting the following link:
Tuition assistance is awarded based on the availability of funds and demonstration of need and must be applied for annually. Financial information is considered strictly confidential and has no effect on the admissions decision. Tuition assistance becomes effective only after the student has been accepted as a student at Calvary and the family has completed the enrollment process, and after the state scholarship award has been provided to the school.