College Planning Resources

College Planning Resources

College Research/Finding Your Fit
Christian College Guide (by Christianity Today)
College Data (college and scholarship search)
College Scorecard (key data on colleges)
Find Your Christian College (NACCAP's Christian colleges and universities search)
Go4IVY - (college acceptance prediction site - costs)

Niche (College and scholarship searches)

Prospective Doctor (resources for students considering pre-med studies)

Verto Education (start your education abroad)

Athletic Recruiting

Application Methods (for Seniors)
(Use these websites to actually apply to college.  Only submit one application per institution.  Some colleges accept multiple application methods including their own "institutional application" from their website directly.  Use the application method which is accepted by the majority of your colleges or makes the most sense for your process.)

Common Application (accepted by over 1070 colleges and universities)

Military Service Academics

United States Air Force Academy

United States Naval Academy  

United States Military Academy at West Point

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Merchant Marine Academy

College Application & Admission Guidebook


PE Waiver Form


College Visit Days: How Do I Get My Visit Excused?


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How to Sign Up for College Rep Visits


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