
Honor Societies

CCHS sponsors the following honor societies for students meeting membership requirements to join. Select the Membership Guide booklet link in the right navigation column to review the membership requirements for each honor society.

  • National Honor Society
  • National English Honor Society
  • Mathematics: Mu Alpha Theta
  • Science National Honor Society
  • Social Studies: Rho Kappa Honor Society
  • American Sign Language Honor Society
  • Spanish: La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
  • International Thespian Society


Calvary students have opportunities to participate in membership-based clubs that are organized and led by students with a CCHS employee serving as the Club Sponsor. Some of the clubs have membership requirements that must be met, and other clubs have open membership to CCHS students.

Best Buddies Club

Membership in the Best Buddies Club will give students the opportunity to build one-to-one friendships with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), offering social interactions while improving the quality of life and level of inclusion for a population that is often isolated and excluded. Through the Best Buddies Club, people with IDD will form meaningful connections with CCHS students to help them gain self-confidence and self-esteem, and share interests, experiences and activities that many individuals enjoy.

Board Game Club

The club gives students the opportunity to gather after school to have fun through healthy competition by participating in a variety of board games and card games. Students will be challenged through the competition and will have the opportunity to meet classmates and develop friendships. 

Sponsor: Mr. Dan Riddell  

Business and Entrepreneurship Club

The club aims to lean into the new business interests of club members. The students will meet and hear from successful business owners. Members will be challenged by club activities that promote a better understanding of business and entrepreneurship.

Sponsor: Mr. Keb Burley 

Engineering Club

The goal of the CCHS Engineering Club is to teach students engineering concepts in a fun way that will broaden their knowledge of engineering and allow them to interact with other students who have a shared interest in engineering. 

The Engineering Club allows students to explore a variety of engineering fields and exposes students to the many different careers available in the fields of engineering through the use of guest speakers.  The Club expands students’ leadership skills by conducting demonstrations, lab activities, and community outreach events. The Engineering Club reinforces the importance of other related classes, such as math and chemistry.  

Sponsor: Mr. Steven Eicholtz

eSports Club

Membership in the CCHS eSports Club will introduce the world of eSports to students and create a competitive and fun environment where they can play games and build friendships. The eSports Club will meet regularly after school in designated classrooms.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The FCA Club is designed to train students in godliness and use sports as a platform to share their faith, but it is not only for student athletes, but for anyone willing to grow in their relationship with our Lord.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.  

We hope you have given prayer and consideration about joining Calvary's chapter of the FCA. If you want to join, please complete the requested information below. If you have questions about FCA, please contact the club sponsor.

SponsorMr. Sven Hack

Fishing Club

Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

The purpose of the Calvary Christian High School Fishing Club is to engage in the art and sport of fishing and to build lifelong relationships in the model of Christ and his Disciples.

Members of the Fishing Club will not only learn and practice new fishing skills, they will also serve the community by learning to be good stewards of the marine environment through learning sustainable recreational fishing practices and participating in events like beach cleanups and habitat restoration.  Club fishing opportunities will extend throughout the year.  

Interact Club

The Interact Club seeks to allow students to develop leadership skills while focusing on the Rotary credo of Service Above Self. Students will assist in local community service projects as they aim to focus on bettering the community around them.

Key Club

The Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide services, build character and develop leadership. 

Medical Club

The mission of the medical club is to expose students through a Biblical worldview to various medical professions, to gain general understanding of medical knowledge, and to provide ministry opportunities in both the school and community. Students will have the opportunity to meet healthcare workers and even have some hands-on experiences. This club’s desire is to connect students who are thinking about a possible career in medicine to a variety of first-hand learning opportunities that will offer a greater understanding of the changing world of healthcare today. This will most importantly allow students to have a better understanding of the Great Physician. Matthew 10:8 states, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give”.

SponsorMs. Tori Hale

Model UN Club

The Model UN Club is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as climate action, global health, and more.

Photography Club

Photography club is designed to help members learn more about the technical and creative aspects of photography. The purpose of The Photography Club is to surround members in an artistic, creative environment to enhance their photography skills along with building community with each other. Club members will have creative discussions, photo sessions, and learn photo editing. The club is designed to be built around the interests of the members so that everyone is able to learn something from their membership in the Photography Club. Members will explore service opportunities to use their talent in photography for the community and our daily lives. 

PickleBall Club

This club introduces students to the growing sport of PickleBall. Previous playing experience is not required as students will gather weekly to learn to play and love the game of PickleBall. Students will be challenged regardless of their PickleBall background and will learn skills such as teamwork and communication skills.

Warriors for Life

The mission of the Warriors for Life Club is to mobilize students to be a voice that protects babies locally and globally, equips teenagers to defend life through pro-life apologetics, and prays for the ending of abortion.

Spring 2024 - Warriors for Life Led the School Through an 8-week Campaign on the Importance of Defending Life

Young Life

This club aims to introduce high school students to Jesus and help them grow in their faith. Leaders will present biblical truth to students interested in continuing to grow in their faith journey.

Honor Societies Membership Guide

Select the image below to view the guidelines for membership in the Honor Societies at CCHS.


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