Warriors For Life

Choose Life

Save a Life: Beds and Bricks

The Warriors for Life Club has partnered with 10/40 Connections to bring awareness and raise funds in support of the ministry's project of building a certain nation in South Asian first maternity home. Over the past few years, 10/40 Connections has quietly equipped hundreds of life advocates who speak up for the voiceless. The curriculum produced by 10/40 Connections,Voice for the Voiceless, has blessed hundreds of villages and thousands of villagers. These efforts resulted in babies’ lives saved, marriages protected, families strengthened, salvation for those many who call on Jesus, and house churches started among least reached groups.
Because many women are no longer choosing abortion, they need a place to stay if their home is not safe while they bring their baby to full-term. But in this nation, THERE IS NO MATERNITY HOME available. These brave women have no place to go… until now!
In 2024, 10/40 Connections will be purchasing land and constructing a 20+ bed maternity home in this nation.

Make a Donation - Save a Life: Beds and Bricks

Student Challenge

The CCHS Warriors for Life Club is challenging their classmates to give financially to raise $10,000 toward the $165,000 goal 10/40 Connections needs to build the maternity home. Each grade level has been challenged to raise $2,500 to enable CCHS to have a small part ($10,000) in seeing the maternity home in South Asia built.

You may discover more about 10/40 Connections and the Save a Life: Beds and Bricks project by visiting the 10/40 Connections website at the link below.


Art Contest

Save a Life: Beds and Bricks
Art Contest 
Celebrate the sanctity of human life through art! 

The Warriors for Life Club invites CCHS students to submit a painting or a drawing about the value of life, God’s views of life, or their responses to what they have learned through this fundraiser emphasis about the issue of abortion and the need to defend life. 

The winning pieces will be taken to Bangladesh and hung on the wall of the maternity home to bless the women who stay in the home and the workers who serve them. The artwork winners will be announced on Friday, April 12.

How and When? 
The deadline to submit artwork is Monday, April 8th. Art adjudicators will  select one winner from artwork submitted by CCHS guys and one winner from artwork submitted by CCHS women. Artwork must be submitted to Ms. Baer by the end of the school day on April 2nd. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Baer at [email protected]..

Poetry Contest

Save a Life: Beds and Bricks
CCHS Poetry Contest 
Celebrate the sanctity of human life through poetry! 

The Warriors for Life Club invites CCHS students to compose a poem about the value of life, God’s views of life, or their responses to what they have learned through this fundraiser emphasis about the issue of abortion and the need to defend life. 
The winning poems will be taken to Bangladesh to bless the bless the women who stay in the home and the workers who serve them. 
How and When? 
The deadline to submit poetry is Monday, April 8th. Poetry adjudicators will select one winner from the poetry submitted by CCHS guys and one winner from the poetry submitted by CCHS women. 

Email poetry entries to Mrs. Segraves at [email protected].

Student Video Updates for the Project

Video Update - April 10
Video Update - April 3
Video Update - March 27
Video Update - March 13
Video Update - March 6
Video Update - February 28th
Video Update - February 21st

Video Update - February14th
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