Community Service

Community Service

One of the goals we have for our students at Calvary Christian High School is to develop the Christian character of servanthood. Calvary encourages students to serve their community, their local church, and local agencies committed to serving those less fortunate. Community Service is one of the requirements for graduation. Students must serve 100 hours of community service to meet the graduation requirement. Students transferring after the freshman year will have a prorated requirement. If the student qualifies for Bright Futures, he/she must still meet the Bright Futures requirement (Florida Academic Scholar = 100 hours; Florida Medallion Scholar = 75 hours).   

There are several facets about community service to consider:

  • Work for the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)
  • Scholarships may be tied to community service (Bright Futures, for example)
  • Forms should be filled out completely by the student and submitted the same semester as completed.
  • Community Service is a great way to learn about possible careers – if you are interested in medicine, for example, volunteer at a hospital, nursing home, etc.
  • Community Service guidelines require that students have not received money or worked during school hours.
  • Students may not earn community service hours by working for a family member or individual; it must be completed through an institution. 
  • Rising 9th graders may begin logging community service after they complete their 8th grade year.
  • Students are required to complete the community service requirement prior to the first day of school in the senior year.
  • Seniors who have not submitted the required hours will be placed on graduation probation and may not participate in the off-campus lunch for the first semester, may be removed from leadership positions, and will become ineligible to serve on homecoming court.
  • Documentation: In the Community Service description area we require a complete description of the service performed. For example, a form with “VBS or Basketball Camp” will not suffice. You must detail your role describing how what you did was of service to the community.
  • CCHS will send out opportunities for community service as we learn of them. You are not limited to these opportunities.
  • You may track your community service hours through the school's student management software.

Community Service Ideas

Select the link below to download a list of local organizations who need volunteers to serve. These organizations are great resources to earn community service hours.

Community Service Form

Select the link below to download the community service form to record volunteer hours.
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